Although sins come before virtues – we here shall not discuss sins they can be done elsewhere or some other time. Here we shall dedicate this column to seven Cardinal Virtues. Originally derived from the sum of three theological virtues, plus another four based on Plato which was adapted by Saint Augustine and Saint Thomas. I will not go into religious preaching, but try to relate them to us as Rotarians;
1. FAITH: comes from Latin word fide, confidence; religious belief; conviction with regards to someone or something; firmness in fulfilling a commitment. Our FAITH in Rotary movement, 4 way test , TRF
2. HOPE: A tendency of the spirit to consider something as probable; expectation; supposition; probability. Four greatest hope of an individual. 1. Meeting the beloved. 2. being free of financial problems. 3. being free of sickness. 4. Immortality. Four greatest hope of a Rotarian : 1. Eradication or Polio, 2. Education & health to all, 3. World peace, 4.
3. LOVE: comes from Latin amor, strong affection that drives us towards the object of our desires; inclination of the soul and heart; affection; passion; exclusive inclination; theological grace. Researchers in London concluded that love is similar to the manifestation of physical dependence provoked by drugs. And Khalid Gibran say love whips you, shakes you & crushes you & then it tosses you in the fire so that you can become the blessed. Does Rotary does that to you? If it does you are Rotarian
4. WISDOM: Deep knowledge of things, natural or acquired; erudition; rectitude. A small story – The greek philosopher Anaximenes approached Alexander the Great to save his city. “I receive you because I know that you are a wise man, but you have my word as king that I shall never accept what you have come to ask me,” said the powerful warrior to his generals. “I just came to ask you to destroy my city,” replied the philosopher. And in this way the city was saved. So what question you shall ask as Rotarian if you havd only one chance to do somthing good?
5. JUSTICE: From the Latin justitias: conformity with the law; act of giving to each what belongs to them; equality. “Hell IS Iraq” – Answer given by Saddam Hussein, when one of his executors shouted “Go to hell!” When he was young King of Persia Cosroes I had a master who managed to make him an outstanding student in all the subjects he learned. One afternoon, for no apparent reason, the master punished him very severely. Years later, Cosroes on becoming king, one of the first measures he took was to send for his childhood master and demand explanation for the injustice he had committed. “When I saw your intelligence, I realized right away that you would inherit your father’s throne,” answered the master, “And so I decided to show you how injustice is capable of marking a man for the rest of his life, I hope that you will never chastise anyone without reason.” Well, it would be nice to here from Rotarians their version of Justice, we can do in all FOUR Avenue of service.
6. COURAGE: From Latin cor – heart; firmness of spirit, energy before danger; intrepidness; cheerfulness; bravery; perseverance. Courage is shown in acts, not in words; it is not bluffing, arrogance or madness. A courageous man is the one who dares to do what he finds is right, and bears the consequences of his acts – whether they are political, social or individual. A man can obey others for two reasons; for fear of being punished and for love. Obedience that comes from love of others is a thousand times stronger than fear of punishment. I think we can do much work to have this virtue in us as a person and as a Rotarian !!
7. EQUILIBRIUM: balance, doing things in proportion, - community service, club service, fellowship, elections, family, business
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